Shipments are made from our warehouse, located in Zaragoza (Spain). Please consider that the shipment will be made the week after you place your order.
Please note that this website contains limited units, surplus of the production after the delivery of the games to the Kickstarter campaign backers. There are no retail sales.
Due to international logistic problems (trucker strikes, increased demand for on-line sales, fuel price increase, war in Ukraine), shipments may be delayed. But it is not usual in our shipments. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you purchased a new game from Ludic Dragon Games and have discovered that it has a manufacturing defect or is missing a component, please complete the form to request a replacement of the affected component(s).
Send your complaint (preferably in PDF format) to the following email address:
You have a period of 30 days from receipt of the order to make any claim.
Due to the high cost of international shipments, the shipping cost of all replacements shipped outside Europe (European Union, UK, Norway, Switzerland) or USA/Canada, must be paid by the recipient. In other words, we assume the replacements and their shipment to countries in Europe, USA and Canada.
Finally due to the way we receive our replacement parts from the manufacturer we are not able to replace game boxes or component trays (to any location).
In case of severe damage caused by the shipping company, please send the claim along with photographs of the damaged outer packaging, within 5 days of receipt of the package.